ANNOUNCE Volunteer teaching opportunity in Peru

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John Sterman jsterman MIT.EDU
Junior Member
Posts: 11
Joined: Fri Mar 29, 2002 3:39 am

ANNOUNCE Volunteer teaching opportunity in Peru

Post by John Sterman jsterman MIT.EDU »

Posted by John Sterman <jsterman@MIT.EDU>

Here is an exciting opportunity to teach system
dynamics in the context of development and
poverty reduction. If interested, please contact
""Oscar Schiappa-Pietra Cubas""
<> directly.

John Sterman

>>Dear Prof. Sterman:
>>As Executive Director of the Peruvian Agency for International
>>Development Aid (APCI), I am promoting the utilization of new
>>analytical tools to better inform the pòlicy-making
>>process. With the temporary support of Prof.
>>Paul Newton, from Cornell University, we have
>>done some basic training in System Dynamics for
>>Peruvian governmental officers, and are now
>>working in developing a model to guide policies
>>aimed at reducing infant mortality within Peru.
>>At this point, we are in need of sustaining the
>>training process of governmental officers in
>>System Dynamics, and to further develop models
>>on policy issues such as: primary education,
>>maternal mortality, chronic malnourishment,
>>local policing, etc. I wonder if you could help
>>us identify a volunteer who would be willing to
>>spend some months in Peru to work on SD training
>>& model development. S/he should have advanced
>>knowledge of System Dynamics and preferably be
>>fluent in Spanish. We could provide a minimal
>>per-diem to cover his/her costs while in Peru.
>>Your kind assistance in this regard will be highly appreciated.
>>Oscar Schiappa-Pietra
>>Director Ejecutivo
>>Agencia Peruana de Cooperación Internacional
>>Av. José Pardo 261
>>Lima 18
>>tlfs. +(511) 242-4927 & 446-3514
Posted by John Sterman <jsterman@MIT.EDU>
posting date Wed, 5 Oct 2005 19:34:13 -0400