ANNOUNCE SD-CDC awarded 2008 ASysT Prize

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""Andrew P. Jones"" <apjones1
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ANNOUNCE SD-CDC awarded 2008 ASysT Prize

Post by ""Andrew P. Jones"" <apjones1 »

Posted by ""Andrew P. Jones"" <>

System Dynamicists:

We are happy to announce that the ""System Dynamics Collaborative for
Disease Control and Prevention"" has won the 2008 ASysT Applied Systems
Thinking Prize. $20k will go to CDC to support more systems thinking
work on health. The award acknowledged 11 system modeling projects at
CDC on topics such as diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular health,
reproductive health, urban health, and national health system
change. Many of you have read the papers, heard talks, or seen posters
at the annual SD conferences by team members (see below).

We heard that ""the size of the problems we are addressing (i.e., chronic
disease syndemics and overall health system transformation) combined
with the diversity of our team and our long track record of practical
engagements were decisive factors in the judges' selection.""

The ASysT Applied Systems Thinking Prize is ""awarded annually for a
significant accomplishment achieved through the application of systems
thinking to a problem of US national significance in the area of
national security, homeland security, energy, environment, health care
or education.""

The SD-CDC group consists of the following members (in alphabetic order):

Joyce Essien, Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University

Gary Hirsch, Independent Consultant

Jack Homer, Homer Consulting

Drew Jones, Sustainability Institute

Doc Klein, Uncharted Territories, Inc.

Patty Mabry, National Institutes of Health

Bobby Milstein (team leader), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Diane Orenstein, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Kristina Wile, Systems Thinking Collaborative

This list does not include many other collaborators, particularly within
CDC but also those from the SD world including Don Seville, John
Sterman, George Richardson, and Kim Warren.

For more information on the work, see below.

Hirsch G, Homer J, McDonnell G, Milstein B. Achieving health care reform
in the United States: toward a whole-system understanding. 23rd
International Conference of the System Dynamics Society; Boston, MA;
July 17-21, 2005.

Homer J, Hirsch G, Milstein B. Chronic illness in a complex health
economy: the perils and promises of downstream and upstream reforms.
System Dynamics Review 2007;23(2/3):313–343. * nominated for “Public
Health Systems Research Paper of the Year”

Homer J, Milstein B. Optimal decision making in a dynamic model of poor
community health. 37th Hawaii International Conference on System
Science; Big Island, HI; January 5-8, 2004.

Homer J, Milstein B, Dietz W, Buchner D, Majestic D. Obesity population
dynamics: exploring historical growth and plausible futures in the U.S.
24th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society; Nijmegen,
The Netherlands; July 26, 2006.

Homer J, Milstein B, Wile K, Pratibhu P, Farris R, Orenstein D. Modeling
the local dynamics of cardiovascular health: risk factors, context, and
capacity. Preventing Chronic Disease 2008;5(2).

Homer JB, Hirsch GB. System dynamics modeling for public health:
background and opportunities. American Journal of Public Health

Jones AP, Homer JB, Murphy DL, Essien JDK, Milstein B, Seville DA.
Understanding diabetes population dynamics through simulation modeling
and experimentation. American Journal of Public Health 2006;96(3):488-494.

Leischow SJ, Milstein B. Systems thinking and modeling for public health
practice. American Journal of Public Health 2006;96(3):403-405.

Mabry P, Milstein B. Symposia series on systems science and health.
Bethesda, MD: National Institutes and Health and the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention; Spring, 2007.
< ... MINARS.htm>.

Milstein B. Hygeia's constellation: navigating health futures in a
dynamic and democratic world. Atlanta, GA: Syndemics Prevention Network,
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; April 15, 2008.

Milstein B, Homer J. Background on system dynamics simulation modeling,
with a summary of major public health studies. Atlanta, GA: Syndemics
Prevention Network, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; April 8,

Milstein B, Homer J, Hirsch G. The health protection game: prototype
design, preliminary insights, and future directions. Atlanta, GA:
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; May 8, 2008.

Milstein B, Jones A, Homer J, Murphy D, Essien J, Seville D. Charting
plausible futures for diabetes prevalence: a role for system dynamics
simulation modeling. Preventing Chronic Disease 2007;4(3):1-8

Richardson GP, Homer JB. System dynamics modeling: population flows,
feedback loops, and health. NIH/CDC Symposia on System Science and
Health; Bethesda, MD: National Institutes of Health and the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention; August 30, 2007. Available at
< ... MINARS.htm>.

Drew Jones
Posted by ""Andrew P. Jones"" <>
posting date Thu, 19 Jun 2008 13:54:35 -0400