Planning & Scheduling - Steel Mills

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Planning & Scheduling - Steel Mills

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I recently sent out a query for advice regarding our companys
rapid expansion and the related problems of creating policies
and embedding those in the management systems of the business.

I would like to summarise the reponses Ive had:

1. Eric Freed (Innovatech): Recommends alignment of values of
everyone. Simulation can be done on Extend, project management
on Primavera.

2. Ulrich la Roche (Fast Focus Consulting): Offers consulting on
Business Process Engineering.

3. Peter Warrian (Univ. of Toronto): Plenty of experience, will gladly
share thoughts.

4. Stephan Bosman (Paras Africa): Offers consulting. Remaind me that
ISCOR in South Africa also started producing Stainless.

5. John van Deusen (Work Systems): Recommend strategic conferencing
methods to align everyones values, visions, etc. and build a cohesive
company strategy. Offers consulting.

6. Ian Huntly (BSW, South Africa): Wants to talk directly.

I am glad about the good response. I will discuss this with my colleagues and
we will decide how to proceed. We are having better discussions with
top management, and I will recommend to them that they should put some
effort into drawing up proper plans/strategies.

I will contact individuals from now on. If anything interesting happens, I
will inform the whole mailing list.

Regards to everyone,

Maarten Hamersma Phone: (013) 247 2235
Systems Engineer Fax: (013) 246 1108
Columbus Stainless Email: