Forum downtime.

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Moderator: Administrator

Super Administrator
Posts: 4755
Joined: Wed Mar 05, 2003 3:10 am

Forum downtime.

Post by Administrator »

The forum has been down for short periods over the last couple of days.

Our ISP first suffered a hard drive failure (one half of a RAID, so nothing was lost), but there was some downtime while they replaced it. And today one of the memory modules on our server failed.

Things will be a little slow until the raid has fully rebuilt, and hopefully there will be no more problems now.

Super Administrator
Posts: 4755
Joined: Wed Mar 05, 2003 3:10 am

Post by Administrator »

We should all be back up and running now.

In the end our account was moved to another server, this has been completed now, hopefully no more downtime.