Climate Change and SD

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"George Backus"
Posts: 33
Joined: Fri Mar 29, 2002 3:39 am

Climate Change and SD

Post by "George Backus" »

John Sterman
Senior Member
Posts: 117
Joined: Fri Mar 29, 2002 3:39 am

Climate Change and SD

Post by John Sterman »

George Backus is right about the need for multiple models of the climate
change problem (and any other problem for which the uncertainty and stakes
are high).

The implications go beyond what George suggests. In addition to
recognizing that no one model is sufficient, the various models must be
made fully and publicly available for replication, testing, and extension.
Tom Fiddaman has done more in this regard than any other modelers in the
climate arena I am aware of. He carefully replicated the most commonly
cited and used global climate economy models and identified in each a
number of errors and questionable assumptions. For example, many of them
suffer from integration error (DT error). Others, such as the Nordhaus
DICE model, violate conservation of mass (a significant fraction of the
anthropogenic CO2 emissions in that model simply disappear and never show
up in the carbon cycle or anywhere else). I believe these replications are
available on his web site.

John Sterman
J. Spencer Standish Professor of Management
Director, MIT System Dynamics Group
MIT Sloan School of Management
30 Wadsworth Street
Cambridge, MA 02142
617/253-1951 (voice); 617/258-7579 (fax),