FW: [EXT] [SIAM-DY] GMT Morning Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics and Statistics (3 and 9 December 2020)

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FW: [EXT] [SIAM-DY] GMT Morning Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics and Statistics (3 and 9 December 2020)

Post by Administrator »

Hello, WPI SD mailing list.

Thought this workshop might interest you.

Hope you and yours had a nice Thanksgiving (if you celebrate).


p.s. Please remember to check your SPAM/Junk folders. Sometimes the WPI SD emails end up there. List of past emails: https://bit.ly/WPIsdMailForm

-----Original Message-----
From: SIAM-DY On Behalf Of Yoshito Hirata
Sent: Thursday, November 26, 2020 7:47 PM
To: Tang, Christine K.
Cc: The Dynamical Systems SIAG mailing list
Subject: [EXT] [SIAM-DY] GMT Morning Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics and Statistics (3 and 9 December 2020)

Dear all,

We would like to cordially invite you to attend our online "GMT Morning Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics and Statistics", which will be held on 3 and 9 December 2020, between 8am-noon in the the Greenwich Mean Time.

The workshop will be an exciting opportunity to exchange the recent progress of nonlinear dynamics, networks and time series analysis. We will have several talks from leading researchers on these areas.

A detailed agenda and Zoom connection details are available here:
https://nam03.safelinks.protection.outl ... reserved=0
# These pieces of information also can be found below.

Please feel free to promote our workshop through your lists.

We look forward to seeing you then.

Yoshito Hirata (Univeristy of Tsukuba)
Débora Correa (University of Western Australia)
Michael Small (University of Western Australia)
Details for Zoom connection:
Invite link:https://nam03.safelinks.protection.outl ... reserved=0
Meeting ID: 830 1372 8580
Password: 366091


3 December 2020
Time in GMT

8-8:20am: Dr. Huanfei Ma
Causality Analysis: From Mutual Causation Detection to Causal Network Reconstruction

8:20-8:40am: Prof. Michael Small
Symbolic dynamics, Markov chains, and ordinal networks

8:40-9am: Break 1

9-9:20am: Prof. Tomomichi Nakamura
On constructing networks for multivariate nonlinear and nonstationary time series

9:20-9:40am: Mr. Kazuya Sawada
Detecting Causality for Marked Point Processes

9:40-10am: Break 2

10am-10:20am: Dr. Norbert Marwan
Measuring complexity of recurrence plots

10:20-10:40am: Prof. Eduardo Goldani Altmann
Statistical Laws in Complex Systems

10:40-11am: Break 3

11-11:20am: Prof. Francisco Rodrigues
Epidemic processes on single and multilayer networks

11:20-11:40pm: Prof. Rodrigo Mello
Estimating the Complexity of Supervised Learning Algorithms

11:40am-noon: Thomas Stemler, Deniz Eroglu
Detecting transitions in multivariant time series using ordinal partition networks

9 December 2020
Time in GMT

8-8:20am: Prof. X San Liang
Measuring the importance of individual units in producing the collective behavior of a complex network

8:20-8:40am: Yoshito Hirata
Permutations and recurrence plots: two tools for analyzing time series generated from nonlinear stochastic systems

8:40-9am: Break 1

9-9:20am: Dr. Yoshitaka Itoh
Reconstructing bifurcation diagrams only from time-series data sets using an extreme learning machine

9:20-9:40am: Mr. Emre Kaya
Complex Dynamics of Janus Oscillator Networks
9:40-10am: Break 2

10am-10:20am: Prof. Jeroen S. W. Lamb
Bifurcation in the presence of noise

10:20-10:40am: Prof. José Maria Amigó
A generalized permutation entropy for noisy dynamics and random processes

10:40-11am: Break 3

11-11:20am: Prof. Dimitris Kugiumtzis and Prof. Michael Small
Short and Long Term Prediction of Multivariate Time Series: Learning the Dynamics

11:20-11:40am: Prof. Mikhail Prokopenko
Modelling the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia: a tipping point in social distancing

11:40am-noon: Discussion
Advice to posters seeking help (it really helps us to help you)
http://www.ventanasystems.co.uk/forum/v ... f=2&t=4391

Units are important!
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