Happy 2021 Spring Semester, WPI System Dynamics mailing list.

This forum contains an archive of newsletters from the WPI SD Mailing list (go to https://facebook.us18.list-manage.com/t ... eea1a846b9 for more information). This is here as a read-only resource, please post any SD related questions to the SD Discussion forum.
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Happy 2021 Spring Semester, WPI System Dynamics mailing list.

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In this newsletter, we review the prior year and announce the upcoming speakers for the new semester:

New Students and Scholars
2020 Collective Learning Meetings (CLMs)
New Year New Guests (in the CLMs)

This newsletter is to stay within the WPI SD mailing list member community. To respect the privacy of those included in the email, we will not post this to social media.

New WPI SD Students and Scholars
We welcome

https://www.escavador.com/sobre/2820984 ... a-fontoura who joins us as a Fulbright Scholar
https://www.wpi.edu/people/doctoral-student/pgaguirre as a PhD Student


Christine Bolton and Anne Johnson passed their PhD qualifying exams!
Anne Johnson presented https://twitter.com/CDiS_mil_pl/status/ ... 8121853960 at the GlobState III International Research Conference and Connections Wargaming Conference
Prof. Oleg Pavlov published

https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0236872 which others wrote about in

OR/MS Tomorrow https://www.informs.org/Publications/OR ... s-Approach
Strategy & Technology for Higher Ed Optimal Insights https://blog.optimal-partners.com/artic ... -planning/

Prof. Michael Radzicki, Pavlov and colleagues published https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783030671891
Prof. Khalid Saeed made publicly available

A simplified version of https://exchange.iseesystems.com/public ... html#page1 for teaching
https://exchange.iseesystems.com/public ... html#page1 which two WPI undergraduate students made. Prof. Saeed and Prof. Renata Konrad advised
his working paper https://nam03.safelinks.protection.outl ... reserved=0

Dr. Raafat Zaini presented https://purdue.webex.com/recordingservi ... c/playback in the Purdue Systems Thinkers Research Colloquium and https://youtu.be/QF3mOSspCfg on Tim Clancy's YouTube news channel. Fun fact: Raafat earned his Masters in Aeronautics & Astronautics and minored in Industrial Engineering at Purdue. He was also the first guest on https://www.buzzsprout.com/995353 and helped advise me on creating media
On January 10th, 2020, we aided SUNY-Albany in hosting The 39th MIT-UAlbany-WPI Colloquium
On November 19th 2020, we co-hosted Dr. Janez Susnik's "SIM4NEXUS: the nexus approach in practice" with the https://nmwrri.nmsu.edu/SIG/

2020 Collective Learning Meetings (CLMs)

Souleymane Bah presented "Behavioral Economics and Multimethod Simulation"
Tim Clancy presented https://youtu.be/BZmMz9t5jq8 and https://youtu.be/GtxcCljnWOo
Prof. James Thompson presented https://youtu.be/4KrA02IeaV0
Hannah Rakoff and Dr. Scott Smith presented "Assessing commercial viability of automated vehicles using data from existing mobility-on-demand"
Dr. Bob Eberlein presented https://youtu.be/QPJdMGGix00
Drs. Lindsey Zimmerman and Tom Rust present https://youtu.be/tGbWapcohss
Prof. Jamal Mamkhezri presented https://youtu.be/UUhvldtJ-KA in a meeting we co-hosted with the System Dynamics Society Economics SIG
Souleymane Bah presented "Exploratory Data Analysis and Optimal Shape Parameters for System Dynamics Modeling"
Christine Tang presented https://youtu.be/Gn6MYCl-B4c
Nadia Tjahja presented https://youtu.be/K3tAbToww6c
Prof. Len Malczynski presented https://youtu.be/W_6jOcxDHV4 and shared https://bit.ly/CLM-2020-12-11-Best-practices-Slides with us
Professors Mila Getmansky Sherman, Paulo Goncalves and Brad Morrison joined one of our Forrester Seminar Series screenings and shared their https://youtu.be/3vSRtKqVmbI
The Peer Tutoring Sessions (formerly called Open Office Hours) have been a great platform for sharing resources and networking with people around the world

Please https://bit.ly/WPIsdCLMsignup to present this year. We look forward to presentations from WPI students, faculty, and staff and our guests.

New Year New Guests

Dr. Roberto Pasqualino who will present on his book/model with Prof. Aled Jones https://www.routledge.com/Resources-Fin ... 1138187351
Samuel Allen and Dr. Andrada Tomoaia-Cotisel who will present on "Formal Methods for Using Text Data in Model Conceptualization"
We welcome back Sam and Andrada who participated in some of the first CLMs in the early 2010s. They aided in the growth of the CLMs. Sam helped create and manage this mailing list!
Prof. Khalid Saeed who will discuss the relationship between feedback loops and stock-flow structure. Thank you, Prof. Saeed, for supporting of the CLMs throughout the years. New learners, please check out his https://youtu.be/ht3VhcgzWBo presentation which is part of our https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=P ... RutHi90Pid
Garry Piepenbrock who will present his model of the nonlinear behavior of the international political economy

If I missed any news (which is very probable because people are busy/forget to reply to email inquiries) or if you have any feedback, then please feel free to email me, [url]mailto:ctang@wpi.edu[/url].

Wish you and yours health and happiness.

Christine Tang (CT)
WPI System Dynamics Social Media Manager
Advice to posters seeking help (it really helps us to help you)
http://www.ventanasystems.co.uk/forum/v ... f=2&t=4391

Units are important!
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