setting parameters

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Vensim version: DSS

setting parameters

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I am working with a Sable model that has multiple screens containing policy inputs. I need to have sliders or edit boxes(with set parameter) on these screens that adjust a single parameter. In other words the sliders or edit boxes on the different screens are linked to the same parameter.

However I have found that under this arrangement when I adjust a parameter on one screen the sliders or edit boxes on the other screens do not adjust accordingly. Is there any solution to this? Is there any way to make the sliders or edit boxes act in unison so that I can adjust the parameter from any of the screens?

I hope my problem description and question are clear.

Thank you.
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Re: setting parameters

Post by Administrator » wrote: Fri Jan 29, 2021 6:29 am However I have found that under this arrangement when I adjust a parameter on one screen the sliders or edit boxes on the other screens do not adjust accordingly. Is there any solution to this? Is there any way to make the sliders or edit boxes act in unison so that I can adjust the parameter from any of the screens?
They should be linked. We'd need to see the project and model to comment any further, if you are running a game, only gaming parameters will be active during the game. During simulation setup, only constants. During an active simulation, nothing can be changed. During SyntheSim, only constants can change.
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