Bug with selected subscripts when publishing .vpmx

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Posts: 45
Joined: Wed Dec 13, 2017 5:16 pm
Vensim version: DSS

Bug with selected subscripts when publishing .vpmx

Post by RobbieOrvis »


We've discovered what appears to be a bug when saving and exporting from a .mdl to a .vpmx. We are using the latest version of Vensim DSS (8.2.1).

When we publish a model, the subscript control reduces all subscripts to a single selected element for each subscript. If we select additional elements and save, and then re-open the file, the model does not recognize the additional selected elements and reverts back to a single selected element for each subscript.

We have also sporadically discovered a similar issue when saving .mdl files but are having trouble reproducing the issue on command.

You can replicate this issue by downloading the latest version of the Energy Policy Simulator here: https://github.com/Energy-Innovation/ep ... /3.1.1.zip and trying to publish the .mdl as a .vpmx. We unchecked Settings and Toolset when publishing.

Note that we are reading in one set of subscripts using the GET DIRECT SUBSCRIPT function (this is required because the number of characters for this subscript array exceeds the character limit in the Vensim formula box).
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