sable script - how flexible is Sable?

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sable script - how flexible is Sable?

Post by afsinbulbul »

I have some problems and I want to know if these can be solved using Sable Script. How flexible is Sable?

- Is it pososible to use same animation to show the more than one parameter based on the value of another parameter.In other words:

If param A is x then animation shows the value of param B and if param B is y then show the value of param C.

- Is it possible that some set parameter edit boxes will be deactive and some will be active based on other parameters.
For example when user makes a strategic level decison among 2 alternatives, I want to prevent them to modify the parameters related to other strategic alternative.

There are some others as well. The main question is how flexible is this software?
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Post by Administrator »

>> Is it pososible to use same animation
>> to show the more than one parameter
>> based on the value of another
>> parameter.In other words:
>> If param A is x then animation shows
>> the value of param B and if param B is
>> y then show the value of param C.
You would simply define another auxilary in the model and display that instead.

>> - Is it possible that some set
>> parameter edit boxes will be deactive
>> and some will be active based on
>> other parameters.
>> For example when user makes a
>> strategic level decison among 2
>> alternatives, I want to prevent them
>> to modify the parameters related to
>> other strategic alternative.
It depends on how you design the interface. I would have a seperate screen for each alternative, then the user would click a button to go to the particular alternative they are interested in.

>> There are some others as well. The
>> main question is how flexible is this
>> software?
You can do quite a bit. Feel free to ask your questions.

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Post by afsinbulbul »

Since I wrote the previous e-mail in a rush it was not so clear.

What I basically ask is, if it is possible to change properties of a button, animation, combo, etc. based on the value of other parameters. In a game as soon as user makes a decision I want the properties of the tools to change.

If parameter A is 1 then animation will show ROI of product X and if parameter A is 2 then animation will show ROI of product y.

Similarly (regarding to second question I raised before), I don't want users to click on a button and then navigate to another page where they can change related parameters. I want all of the parameters related to one view (let's say sales view) in one page and the parameters in this view will be activated or deactivated based on some parameters.

If parameter A is 1 then some parameters will be activated so users can change them;
If parameter A is 2 then some parameters will be activated so users can not change them.

I am asking to learn if these kinds of changes are possible using scripts. If so how? I already looked to sable script documentation in the help file. It did not help so much.

I will appreciate any input.
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Post by afsinbulbul »

Still could not wake up I guess.
It would be:

If parameter A is 1 then some parameters will be activated so users can change them;
If parameter A is 2 then some parameters will be de-activated so users can not change them.
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Post by Administrator »

>> If parameter A is 1 then some parameters will be activated so users can change them;
>> If parameter A is 2 then some parameters will be de-activated so users can not change them.

You cannot do this at the moment, but I will add it to the list of things to add into Sable.

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Post by Administrator »

>> If parameter A is 1 then animation will show ROI of product X and if parameter A is 2 then animation will show ROI of product y.

Just define a new parameter in the model itself

new param = if then else ( A = 1
, ROI of product X
, ROI of product y )

Then just display this new parameter in the animation.

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Post by afsinbulbul »

Thanks for the quick answers. Since I am really running out of time to catch a deadline I really appreciate it.

So what I feel is I am trying to pull the discussion towards possible usage of script but your answers are rather practical solutions. Although they might work, we are looking for a flexible user interface software where you can change the properties of a tool (animation, button, etc) based on user decisions (captured by some other parameters)
I am trying to investigate if this is possible via scripting? So I can spend my limited time on that.

Thanks a lot.
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Post by Administrator »

>> Thanks for the quick answers. Since I am really running out of time to catch a deadline I really appreciate it.
>> So what I feel is I am trying to pull the discussion towards possible usage of script but your answers are rather
>> practical solutions. Although they might work, we are looking for a flexible user interface software where you can change the properties of a tool
>> (animation, button, etc) based on user decisions (captured by some other parameters)
>> I am trying to investigate if this is possible via scripting? So I can spend my limited time on that.

Scripting is not really the solution. If you want to do the kind of thing I think you do, you would be better off using Visual Basic. Putting advanced functionality into Sable is just re-inventing VB. However we are always open to suggestions regarding changes to functionality.

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