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Problem with loading a new model

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2004 9:01 pm
by mashayekhi
I have developed a sable project sometimes ago.
I made a new version of the vensim model that I use in the project and saved it in the directory of the model with a new name and .vmf format. In the properties of the project I changed the name of the model that should be loaded. But when I launched Sable, it could not load the new model. I changed the name of the model to the original model that still exists in the MODEL directory, but Sable could not open that either. What might be the problem? Should I do something else to load a new model that I have forgotten?

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2004 8:34 am
by Wilson
in earlier messages you were discussing encypting files - could that be anything to do with it ?

Is Sable expecting an encrypted model and getting an unencypted one or vice versa - just a thought.