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New stream for Oxford 2004

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 10:59 am
by "geoff coyle"
The growth in qualitative system dynamics, QSD, in which only a diagram is built and there is no simulation, has been considerable over the years. In particular recent work on the use of structural analysis to replace detailed, simulation-based dynamic investigation has shown how powerful this is for strategic thinking. Its application to Knowledge Management is a particularly fertile one, illustrating the efficacy of establishing rich connections between OR and more conventional socio-political studies. The 2004 Conference will, therefore, have a stream devoted to QSD with one or more parallel sessions. All submissions will be refereed and work of sufficiently high quality will be recommended for a plenary paper. The stream convenors are Geoff Coyle, John Powell and Juani Swart, all of the University of Bath.

This promises to be a highly interesting session and will be the first time QSD has had a stream of its own at an SD Conference. It is likely to make a considerable contribution to the debate about the proper balance between qualitative and quantitative SD and the relative strengths and weaknesses of the two approaches.

Contributions are invited to this effort. In the first instance, please send a one-page abstract to me by January 14, 2004. Full papers are required by about April.

Regards and seasonal wishes,

Geoff Coyle
From: "geoff coyle" <>