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Year 2000 Contingency Planning

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 1999 12:55 pm
by Ken ROACH
Perhaps the most interesting failures that will happen over the millenium
transition period will be supply failures.

Im doing business continuity planning for a major postal organisation. The
action stock up before the year end features over and over.

This will result in classic systems dynamic failures. At the end of the day
all the computer system might work perfectly, but by now it is too late to
stop the abnormal ways individuals and companies are starting to behave.

One business unit had the action write to customers to tell them not to act
(order) differently to how they normally act. While this strategy might
work if everyone adopted it, there is now no way that this could be true.
So the situation escalates... everyone over orders and there are supply
problems. The first in are the first (and only ones?) served.

Has anyone done any modelling that might be useful to heighten to senior
managements awareness the types of issues they could face?

From: Ken ROACH <>