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Synchronising Forecast and Production

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 1:07 pm
by Francisco Perez francisco77pp ya
Posted by Francisco Perez <>
Hi All, Happy new year to al of you.

I've got a quesiton for you all. I've been round and round a
problem for several days.

I have a supply chain consisting of a producer and a distribution
system. The whole system is ruled by a closed-loop Sales and
Operations Planning Process (a linked production, distribution and
demand planning). I've been wodering how you SDists would model
the demand forecast process and its relationship with production
planning. A particular issue is how to do the timing between production
and forecast knowing that there is a constant lead time and a certain
forecast time window / horizon. That is, if forecast horizon is 5 days,
I know that forecast demand corresponding five days from now should be on
production starts already.

I would like to hear as many Ideas as possible. I have the model running
but I am sure that there must be something better out there. The whole
model is quite large and peharps I am missing something or am already
overwhelmed by it.

By the way, I've already looked into Sterman's Book, I've tried that
already (as to supply chain and manufacrturing start ups).

Thanks, all comments are welcome.
Best regards
Posted by Francisco Perez <>
posting date Mon, 9 Jan 2006 10:37:54 -0800 (PST)