Problem displaying legends

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Problem displaying legends

Post by rleclaire »

I'm having an issue reminiscent of a post I saw from 2003 about trouble using legends under W2000. I'm using XP. I have set up a Sable graph with three parameters (lines) pulled in from my model and I have it set to display a legend at the bottom. I notice the legend shows up nicely with the first parameter but when I add a second parameter the legend disappears completely. It will show if I ask the legend to be on the left or right rather than top or bottom but of course legends on the left or right make a mess of the graph.

The problem appears to be that the legend runs out of room as it seems to try to display the different lines horizontally in the legend rather than one below the other. The parameter names from the model are pretty long. I tried to fix this by going to the Settings -> Chart -> Series window of graph properties (in adavanced 1 Tab) and manually change the Title of the series names which I would like to do anyway. This appeared to work as the names were short enough that the legend appeared again with all three series (again, in a line horizontally). BUT, when I closed the settings window my changes (changed series titles and my legend) abruptly disappeared. I wasn't able to find a way to save these title changes I made and thus preserve my legend. Thoughts?

I've gone on a while here but I had a separate question: I want my graph to display as the simulation progresses as someone else asked about this past December - they solved the problem as indicated in the forum but I didn't understand their solution - something about setting the control to continue.
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Post by Administrator »

To change graph legends, you need to edit them in the "Titles" tab on the graph settings (so don't go through to the TChart settings).

The options available are

display the parameter name

@SUBSCx@ (where x is between 1 and 8)
Displays the graphed variables xth subscript element

Displays the entire subscript list for a variable

Displays the run name

Displays the axis (LHS/RHS)
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Post by Administrator »

Regarding animated graphs, all you need to do is click the WIP setting in the "General" tab.

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