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ANNOUNCE Award for Service Quality Simulator

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 1:47 pm
by John Sterman <jsterman@MIT.ED
Posted by John Sterman <jsterman@MIT.EDU>

I'm pleased to announce that Prof. Rogelio Oliva, Texas A&M, and Michael Bean,, have won the ""MSQ & IJSIM Highly Commended Paper Award, QUIS 10 Symposium on Service Excellence in Management 2007"" for a paper describing the Service Quality Management simulator. The SQM simulator was developed by Rogelio and others at the MIT System Dynamics Group and has been reissued with a new interface through Forio. The simulator allows users to play the role of a senior manager seeking to run a service organization, maintaining and enhancing quality and customer satisfaction while keeping a lid on costs. It is applicable to any service setting including financial services, retailing, IT, and many others.

The simulator is available at: ... simulation

and the paper (Developing Operational Understanding of Service Quality through a Simulation Environment) is downloadable from:

Congratulations to Rogelio and Mike.

John Sterman
Posted by John Sterman <jsterman@MIT.EDU> posting date Wed, 20 Jun 2007 09:56:20 -0400 _______________________________________________