File not found in SCREENS or COMMON folder

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File not found in SCREENS or COMMON folder

Post by PWR »

I've done something to activate the following message while I was creating some miniscreens: File not found in SCREENS or COMMON folder

I happens when I enter the Sable UI.

I've gone back and used the import/add file function to add the new miniscreens, but that hasn't helped. Is there some way to find out what screen is not being found so I can go add that file and satisfy the error message?

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Post by PWR »

Possibly related to my first posting, "File not found in SCREENS or COMMON folder", message is that many "extra" screen files have cropped in the C-ROADS-CP v2.VNP file. I've included that file. There are many more screens listed, 44, than I have screens, 13! All of those are repeats of the miniscreens. The miniscreens are properly listed further down under miniscreens. I wonder if this is related to a warning that just started happening as I have been editing some miniscreens.

I edited the "extra" screen references out of the VNP file, but they ALL return, when I import screen WarningPage. Perhaps they are stored somewhere else that I don't know about.

There are also several screens listed that do not correspond to the screen files in my folder: 9=_sabletemppublisherdocumet.vnn and 12=gsdfg.VNN

Anyone ever seen this? Have a solution?

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Post by Administrator »

Don't worry about them appearing in the .VNP file. These are no longer used by Sable (but the code still lists them, I'll change that).

I'll also include in the next build a message saying which file it cannot find.

I'm not clear on if you were creating a new mini, or importing it from another project. If importing, you can check the "Mini Screens" directory to see if it appears in there. Let me know and we will take things from there.

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Post by PWR »

I had created a new mini by using save-as into the same folder-- several actually as I was duplicating three minis built for 15 region and then modifying them for 6 region. The minis are definitely present in the new directory. In my attempts to fix the problem, I removed them from the project and then re-added them both by using the File>import menu and the right click on the files pane on the miniscreen folder.

I could have done this by some sloppy mouse work-- (there was a moment when my system slowed down during a virus scan or a disk backup and it is possible to make some mouse clicks that aren't obvious that still trash something.)
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