Development of Learning Environments (LEs)

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"Jodi-Anne Smith"
Junior Member
Posts: 2
Joined: Fri Mar 29, 2002 3:39 am

Development of Learning Environments (LEs)

Post by "Jodi-Anne Smith" »

Hi everyone,

My name is Jodi Smith and i am producing a Learning Environment (aka =
Learning Laboratory, Microworld, Management Flight Simulator) for my PhD =
on sustainable business management and change management. It will be =
developed using the ithink/stella software and is designed to enable the =
player to trial various policy options in a business and see their =
impact on the companys market share and their environmental impact =
(second level measures include impact on productivity, morale, turnover, =
production costs, etc).

A lot of it revolves around soft systems methodology looking at the people =
factors of change management. In this vain i plan to have several =
scenarios which include the different policies under different management =
styles and change management practices as these will effect the outcome of =
the actions. The hypothesis behind my work is that companies in the future =
who do not address environmental issues will lose market share and =
potentially become unviable. Without espousing too much, i will just say =
that the public is expecting more and more in relation to environmental =
issues and smart companies are realising that they can improve their =
market share, save money on production and waste disposal by addressing =
these issues. Environment is now a strategic development issue.=20

I am preparing the LE to develop a user friendly tool written in a =
language that business people will understand and focussing on their =
concerns eg: bottom line, market share, public relations/image, rather =
than pushing environmental issues just for the sake of the environment. I =
believe that this should be more effective in convincing them to make the =
changes and in helping them to do so.

I am searching for other people involved in the development of LEs, =
examples of LEs, how to develop LE type information- anything that may =
help in the process. I am currently working full time as a Corporate and =
Strategic Planner in Local Government, doing part time lecturing and =
tutoring at universities as well as studying full time, so any information =
to make the task easier would be appreciated.

I would be more than happy to send more specific information. Please =
just email me at

Hope you are all well,

Jodi Smith
BAppSc(EnvHealth), PGDipNatResMgmt, now doing Phd
Corporate Development
City of West Torrens
165 Burbridge Rd, Hilton,=20
Sth Australia 5022
Ph: (61) 8 8416 6292
Fax: (61) 8 8443 9099
Junior Member
Posts: 16
Joined: Fri Mar 29, 2002 3:39 am

Development of Learning Environments (LEs)

Post by »

for a "hard" simulation approach including costing look at the example at with demo download. english version soon to follow.

// yours sincerely ulrich la roche
fast focus consulting
heilighuesli 18, CH-8053 Zuerich,
fax +411 382 1349