Ecosystem modelling

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Locked (F. Mesple
Junior Member
Posts: 3
Joined: Fri Mar 29, 2002 3:39 am

Ecosystem modelling

Post by (F. Mesple »

Dear Colleagues,

I am a biologist specialised in System Dynamics Modelling (and also
statistical modelling). If any of you is interest by my knowledge or
know someone that could be, please contact me.=20
I am looking for a job, *anywhere* in the world as I lived in Africa
(Senegal, Mauritius, Cap Vert Islands, Niger, Morocco), Asia (Laos) and
Canada. I speak french (mother tongue), English, spanish and Portuguese.

Please find my curriculum vitae at the end of this mail.

Thank you,

Fabrice Mesple
2, rue Joseph Cambon tel. (+33) 67 60 37 47
34000 Montpellier
France e.mail.
[Hosts note - please contact Dr. Mesple directly if you are
interested in further discussions or would like to receive his