Problems with Publishing updated model and using it in Sable project

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Problems with Publishing updated model and using it in Sable project

Post by FR2017 »

After publishing a update of a model in Vensim I try to import it in my current Sable Project.
Now I get the error message: "The file name abc.vdf is protected (part of a package). Choose another."

How to overcome the error to get it in my Sable project?

Thx and best regards
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Re: Problems with Publishing updated model and using it in Sable project

Post by Administrator »

It sounds like you included a runname when you published the model, and then tried to create a run titled ABC.VDF.
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Re: Problems with Publishing updated model and using it in Sable project

Post by FR2017 »

Sorry for asking again. Since I am pretty new in using Sable I actually dont know how to avoid that error.

Indeed, I added the run abc.vdf inlucding a abc.cin file to the model since I have several graphs showing figures for several runs.

Where do I create additional runs?
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Re: Problems with Publishing updated model and using it in Sable project

Post by Administrator »

When publishing, make sure that the model is the only thing included in the VPM file and it should work without issue.
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