Lookup tables in SyntheSim

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Posts: 21
Joined: Tue May 28, 2013 3:19 am
Vensim version: PLE

Lookup tables in SyntheSim

Post by daler6 »

I recently created a version of the Car Lot model in Meadows' Thinking in Systems, in which I specified customer demand as a Lookup table so that I could see the effect of different temporal patterns of customer demand. Everything works fine, but when I use SyntheSim and modify the values for customer demand by grabbing points on the graph and moving them, I see a whole series of lines (see attachment). The table shows the points for the "final" line, and if I close the window and then re-open it, only the "final" line appears. This is a bit annoying to do this, though. Is there any way to get rid of all of those "intermediate" lines without having to close and re-open the window? (Note: this also happens when using SimSetup).
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Posts: 21
Joined: Tue May 28, 2013 3:19 am
Vensim version: PLE

Re: Lookup tables in SyntheSim

Post by daler6 »

p.s. I am using a Mac running Catalina and I find this in both VenSim PLE and VenSim Pro
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