Weekly WPI System Dynamics Digest: Keeping people in the loop

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Weekly WPI System Dynamics Digest: Keeping people in the loop

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Hello, WPI SD Mailing List.

Please forward this email to your colleagues. They can self-subscribe using the button below:

If you have a work-in-process/progress project and want to share it in a WPI Collective Learning Meeting (CLM), please contact ctang@wpi.edu. WPI System Dynamics CLMs will be on Fridays Noon-1PM ET (Boston time). Sign-up form (and schedule):

Share Your Work in Progress

Review Requests
Prof. Khalid Saeed (saeed@wpi.edu) would like feedback on:
People Express
Prof. Saeed will use this in his undergrad course SS 1505: Games for Understanding Complexity
"Fishy" Banks: A Game about Human Trafficking
Developed by two WPI undergrad students
Advised by Prof. Saeed and Prof. Renata Konrad
Francisco "Paco" Araujo would like feedback on his
MIES Project model which investigates the dynamics of research, knowledge, and understanding
Arctic Social-Environmental System model which he built as a result of the International System Dynamics Conference (ISDC) 2020 workshop "Peace Engineering in the Arctic: Accommodating diverse interests in a changing environment"
Dr. Raafat Zaini presented "COVID-10 The Systems Thinking Way: Dynamic Behavior & Feedback Structures Perspective" in Purdue University's Systems Thinkers Research Colloquium on Thu, Oct 8th
Professor Benjamin Turner uploaded presentation slides (in Linked data) to his "Model laboratories: A quick-start guide for design of simulation experiments for dynamic systems models" article on ResearchGate. Here is a link to a recording of the presentation. Email him if you would like the model
Please sign up for slots to ask questions in the WPI System Dynamics Open Office Hours on Friday, October 30th. Open Office Hours is a new CLM initiative where attendees help each other on modeling problems. Here is a link to the notes of the inaugural WPI SD Open Office Hours
For other System Dynamics news, we refer you to the latest news section on the System Dynamics Society's home page. Here is the link to past WPI System Dynamics Digests
Listen to or read the transcripts to SD-cast's "What is your SDory?" series using the button below:
SD-cast: What is your SDory?
SD-cast is also available on iTunes/Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts

COVID News/Resources
Drs. Ali Asgary and Mahdi M. Najafabadi's "Drive Through Mass Vaccination Sim for COVID-19" Agent-Based and Discrete-Event Simulation model was the AnyLogic model of the month
Prof. Jeroen Struben's "The coronavirus disease (COVID‐19) pandemic: simulation‐based assessment of outbreak responses and postpeak strategies" article is available for free online
Dr. Raafat Zaini's presentation videos:
"Simulating the COVID19 Pandemic a Facebook Live AMA with special guest Raafat Zaini on 9/18/2020."
"Simulating Pandemic Responses"
"COVID-10 The Systems Thinking Way: Dynamic Behavior & Feedback Structures Perspective"
Professors Julie Swann and Pinar Keskinocak presented "How to Model 'Diseases' and Use those Models to Drive Timely Decisions and Actions that Produce Rapid Benefits." Prof. Keskinocak presented an Agent-Based model
Prof. Kim Warren released version 4 of his COVID-19 model and created a short course explaining the model
Prof. Navid Ghaffarzadegan's "Simulation-Based What-If Analysis for Controlling the Spread of Covid-19 in Universities" article is available online
AnyLogic blog post on "COVID-19 and Simulation" has videos and links to other posts on System Dynamics and Agent-Based Models
Apply your systems understanding & problem-solving skills in full-scale complexity, where it matters. Come help today, join with Yaneer Bar-Yam to end the pandemic at http://EndCoronavirus.org. Humanity will be glad you did. - Tomás Gutiérrez
Join The Modeling and Simulation Coronavirus Pandemic Task Force
Join the COVID-19 Resources (Systems Community) Facebook group
For more COVID-19 modeling resources see
System Dynamics Society's COVID-19 page
CDC spreadsheet-based tools for:
state and local policy makers to compare different contact tracing strategies
hospital admins and public health officials to estimate demand
The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine's resources page. They released the Framework for Equitable Allocation of COVID-19 Vaccine report in early Oct
The Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics' (SIAM) Mathematical Resources to Help Understand COVID-19 page
INFORMS' Information on COVID-19 and Pandemics page
The Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE)'s Coronavirus Resource & Response page
Please feel free to add videos to this COVID-19 simulation models playlist

Job Opportunities
Adjunct Part-Time Faculty in System Dynamics
Worcester Polytechnic Institute Social Science and Policy Studies Department
Positions filled on an add needed basis
Start dates vary by course and semester
More details
Assistant, Associate and Full Professor (tenure track) in Systems Engineering
Worcester Polytechnic Institute Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
More details
Assistant, Associate and Full Professor (tenure track) positions in systems modeling and simulation
Naval Postgraduate School Operations Research Department
Application Review Begins: Oct 1
Application Deadline: Dec 1
More details
Assistant, Associate and Full Professor
Georgia Institute of Technology Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering
More details
Management Consultants specializing in system dynamics and advanced analytics
Sage Analysis Group
1-page overview
More details
Research Scientist / Postdoctoral Research Associate with experience in system dynamics modeling
City University of New York (CUNY) Center for Systems and Community Design (CSCD)
More details
Research Associate
Systems Engineering Research Center
More details
Ocean System Modeller
More details
See the SD Society's Career Link page

Upcoming System Dynamics/Dynamical Systems/Systems Thinking Events
The En-ROADS Climate Workshop
Thu, Oct 15th
7AM - 8AM (Boston time)
2PM - 3PM (Boston time)
Registration and details
WPI System Dynamics Collective Learning Meeting
Fri, Oct 16th Noon - 1PM (Boston time)
Details TBA
XVIII Latin American System Dynamics Conference (CLADS2020)
Oct 26 - 30th
The System Dynamics Society (SDS) hosts Prof. Jason Jay in their Seminar Series
The Fish Banks Seminar
Thu, Oct 29th 10AM - 1PM (Boston time)
Free for SDS members / $25 for non-members
Registration and details
Note: Daylight Savings Time ends Sun, Nov 1
The Waters Center for Systems Thinking's Studio Series
6 sessions on Tuesdays, Nov 10 - Dec 15
Nov 10, 17, 24
Dec 1, 8, 15
Leading for Impactful Change
9AM - 11AM PDT // 11AM - 1PM EST (Boston time)
Introduction to Systems Thinking
2PM - 4PM PDT // 4PM - 6PM (Boston time)
Registration and details
The Waters Center hosts free open sessions on various topics
One World Dynamics Seminars
Monthly Dynamical Systems (DS) seminars
2nd Friday of each month
Two Talks
9-9:45 AM (Boston time) Talk towards a general DS audience, "set[s] the scene for the"
9:45-10:30AM (Boston time) Specialized talk
Fri, Nov 13th: Multiscale dynamical systems
9:00 AM (Boston time) Prof. Alexander Mielke will present "Convergence for multiscale gradient systems with applications to fast-slow reaction systems"
9:45 AM (Boston time) Prof. Riccarda Rossi will present "Balanced viscosity solutions to (multi)rate-independent systems"
Registration and details
Various Systems Thinking Events

Call for Papers/Abstracts
Special Issue of Industrial and Corporate Change (IIC) on Marco Economics and Development
Deadline: No fixed deadline. The end of Sept/early Oct would be ideal.
Announcement and submission information
2020 INFORMS Conference on Service Science
Deadline Extended to: Thu, Oct 15th
Conference website
10th OR Society Simulation Workshop 2021 (SW21)
Deadline for papers: Fri, Oct 16th
Deadline for posters: Tue, Jan 12th
Call for Papers page
11th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
Deadline: Thu, Oct 30th
Conference website
Health Care Management Science is seeking submissions to a forthcoming Special Issue on Management Science in the Fight Against COVID-19
Deadline: Sat, Oct 31st,
Call for papers page
Journal of the Operational Research Society special issue on Operational Research in times of crises: Experiences with COVID-19
Deadline: Sun, Nov 1st
Special issue information
The Modeling & Simulation Division of the Institute of Industrial & Systems Engineers (IISE) is sponsoring the Modeling & Simulation Track at the 2021 IISE Annual Conference & Expo
Deadline: Sun, Nov 15th
Call for abstracts page
SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems (DS21)
Deadline for Minisymposium Proposal: Mon, Nov 23rd
Deadline for Contributed Lecture, Poster and Minisymposium Presentation Abstracts: Mon, Dec 7th
Submissions & Deadlines page
Socio-Economic Planning Sciences Special Issue on Food Loss and Waste Management During COVID-19: Exploring the Major Challenges and Future Directions along the Food Supply Chain
Deadline: Thu, Dec 31st
Call for papers page
Other Upcoming Events
AnyLogic Events
AnyLogic User Experience Online Session
Mon, Oct 12th 1:30PM - 3:10PM UTC // 9:30AM - 11:10AM EDT
Live online only. Not recorded
Pypeline - a Python connector library for AnyLogic
Thu, Oct 15h 3PM - 4PM UTC // 11AM - Noon EDT
The University of Cincinnati Data Science Symposium 2020
Tue Oct 13, 20, 27 from 12PM - 2:30PM EDT (Boston time)
More details
IISE Annual Conference & Expo 2020
Nov 1st - 3rd
The University of Hong Kong's Systems Analytics Global Leaders' Seminar
Wed, Nov 4th 10PM HKT // 9AM EST (Boston time)
Presenter: Prof. Stefan Minner
Presentation Title: A Data-Driven Approach to Strategic Inventory Placement in Multi-Echelon Networks
Free and open to public
More details
2020 INFORMS Annual Meeting
Nov 7th - 13th
Winter Simulation Conference 2020
Dec 14th - 18th
11th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
Mar 9th - 11th
Conference website
Please provide suggestions for the digest or any type of feedback on WPI SD services either by emailing Christine Tang, ctang@wpi.edu, replying to this email, or anonymously through:

Feedback Form

We prefer sharing free articles/videos/etc. so we do not exclude folks who are interested in learning SD but do not have access to articles.

Well wishes,
Christine Tang
WPI System Dynamics Social Media Manager

p.s. Please inform me of any errors in the digest. I started reading Strunk and White's The Elements of Style and realized that I should re-write this digest to be more concise (and will do so next time).
Advice to posters seeking help (it really helps us to help you)
http://www.ventanasystems.co.uk/forum/v ... f=2&t=4391

Units are important!
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