CLM (2020/12/11) Len Malczynski presents "Best practices in evaluation"

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CLM (2020/12/11) Len Malczynski presents "Best practices in evaluation"

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Join us online Friday, December 11th, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM ET (Boston time. Here is a time converter) through:

In this Collective Learning Meeting (CLM), WPI System Dynamics hosts Len Malczynski ( who will present:

Best practices in evaluation

How do we evaluate system dynamics models? What are we looking for in terms of quality? Are there objective and subjective measures, are there binary and graded measures?

Questions for the Audience:
How do you evaluate system dynamics models? What process do you follow during model construction?

Len is a system dynamics practitioner, micro-economist and software engineer. He has built system dynamics models of the civilian nuclear fuel cycle, world energy consumption, bio-energy supplies, water basin management, workforce management, international conflict, income inequality, soybean exports, and international migration. He was a member of the Office of the Chief Economist at Sandia National Laboratories from 1998-2005 and ended his career at the Laboratories in March 2017. His current activities involve being Vice President of Meetings of the System Dynamics Society and Past President (2017), a software specialization in Powersim Studio, Group Moderator of the international Powersim Users Group, and development of software engineering techniques applicable to system dynamics modeling. Len has taught information systems and microeconomics at the University of New Mexico since 1988. He has taught three system dynamics courses at UNM since 2018; several short courses in system dynamics and the use of Powersim Studio. Prior to 1988 he spent 10 years as an independent information systems consultant in Africa, Asia, and the Caribbean.

We will record this session.

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