Weekly WPI System Dynamics Digest: Keeping people in the loop

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Weekly WPI System Dynamics Digest: Keeping people in the loop

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Hello, WPI SD Mailing List.

Feel free to share this digest. Colleagues can self-subscribe to this mailing list using the button below:


The WPI System Dynamics Collective Learning Meeting (CLM) schedule for the rest of this semester is full. Next semester, CLMs will be on Fridays 3PM - 4PM ET (Boston time). Check the current schedule, guidelines and requirements (recording is optional) in the link below:

Share Your Work in Progress

News and Updates

Len Malczynski's "Best practices in evaluation" presentation is now on YouTube. Here is a link to the slides
Project Performance International's November Newsletter on Systems Engineering is available
The Ventana Systems newsletter is available online. Read about
their COVID, environmental, and economic modeling efforts
how Vensim 8.2 now runs on the new Apple silicon Macs
and more!
Ventana Systems graciously offered to archive the WPI SD Digests and other emails. You can search the old digests for topics of interest. Thank you, Ventana Systems!
isee systems shared their
Business Simulations Webinar "Leadership Training with Ken Thompson"
new TA time videos on stashed data
Story of the Month: The Enron Scandal
The Waters Center for Systems Thinking have been tweeting #14DaysofHabits on Twitter. Join the conversation and share your STory!
On Tue, Dec 22nd 11AM - 12:30PM ET (Boston time), join the System Dynamics Society for "Modeling Covid-19: A Panel Discussion"
Hilda Consuelo Zamora-Maldonado, Véronique Sophie Avila-Foucat, Víctor Gelasio Sánchez-Sotomayor, and Raymond Lee published "Social-ecological Resilience Modeling: Water Stress Effects in the Bighorn Sheep Management System in Baja California Sur, Mexico"
For other System Dynamics news, see the latest news section on the System Dynamics Society's home page. Check out the new SDS site! Here is the link to past WPI System Dynamics Digests

Reminders and Requests

Spring 2021 WPI System Dynamics Graduate Courses
SD 550. System Dynamics Foundation: Managing Complexity
SD 557. Latent Structures, Unintended Consequences and Policy
SD 562. Project Dynamics
If you are not enrolled in a WPI program, you can still take classes as a non-WPI student
Tuition and International Payment Information
3 credit hour/course * $1,610/credit hour = $4,830/course (+ $60 graduate fee)
Review Requests
Khalid Saeed's (saeed@wpi.edu)
People Express
Prof. Saeed will use this in his undergrad course SS 1505: Games for Understanding Complexity
"Fishy" Banks: A Game about Human Trafficking
Developed by two WPI undergrad students
Advised by Prof. Saeed and Prof. Renata Konrad
Working paper "Why Forrester wished to replace both differential equations and economics?"
Francisco "Paco" Araujo's
MIES Project model which investigates the dynamics of research, knowledge, and understanding
Arctic Social-Environmental System model which he built as a result of the International System Dynamics Conference (ISDC) 2020 workshop "Peace Engineering in the Arctic: Accommodating diverse interests in a changing environment"
Büşra Atamer Balkan, Hector Menendez, Andreas Nicolaidis, Kelechi Odoemena, Robert Lamb, Monique Ann Tiongco, Stueti Gupta, and Arpitha Peteru's "Understanding the Impact of COVID19 on Agriculture and Food Supply Chains: System Dynamics Modeling for the Resilience of Smallholder Farmers”
Requests for Collaborators
Rowland Chen on the small business failure problem / sustainable small businesses goal
Survey Requests
System Dynamics Society (SDS) survey
SDS Student Chapter survey on the SD Colloquium
Undergrad and Grad students, please help WPI Data Science develop a depression screening tool by filling out the EMU Survey
The Operational Research (OR) Society is looking to create a network of independent consultants working in OR and systems thinking
Listen to or read the transcripts to SD-cast's "What is your SDory?" series using the button below:

SD-cast: What is your SDory?

SD-cast is also available on iTunes/Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts

COVID News/Resources

System Dynamics Society's COVID-19 page
COVID models by users of
isee Exchange™
Feel free to add videos to this COVID-19 simulation models YouTube playlist
Turgay Ayer, Jagpreet Chhatwal, Benjamin Linas, et al.'s COVID-19 Simulator
Mohammad S Jalali, Catherine DiGennaro, and Devi Sridhar's "Transparency assessment of COVID-19 models"
Sibel Eker's "Validity and usefulness of COVID-19 models"
Marichi Gupta, Aditya Bansal, Bhav Jain, Jillian Rochelle, Atharv Oak, Mohammad S.Jalali's "Whether the Weather Will Help Us Weather the COVID-19 Pandemic: Using Machine Learning to Measure Twitter Users’ Perceptions"
Raafat Zaini's presentation videos:
"Simulating the COVID19 Pandemic a Facebook Live AMA with special guest Raafat Zaini on 9/18/2020."
"COVID-10 The Systems Thinking Way: Dynamic Behavior & Feedback Structures Perspective"
Büşra Atamer Balkan, Hector Menendez, Andreas Nicolaidis, Kelechi Odoemena, Robert Lamb, Monique Ann Tiongco, Stueti Gupta, and Arpitha Peteru request feedback on their preprint "Understanding the Impact of COVID19 on Agriculture and Food Supply Chains: System Dynamics Modeling for the Resilience of Smallholder Farmers”
Kim Warren released version 4 of his COVID-19 model and created a short course explaining the model
Maurice Glucksman and Kim Warren's "The COVID-19 Model Localisation Challenge: Webinar 1 (18-Nov-2020): Swindon Data Example" video is available
Navid Ghaffarzadegan's "Simulation-Based What-If Analysis for Controlling the Spread of Covid-19 in Universities" article is available online
AnyLogic blog post on "COVID-19 and Simulation" has videos and links to other posts on System Dynamics and Agent-Based Models. AnyLogic 8.7's pedestrian library now contains social distancing rules
Ali Asgary and Mahdi M. Najafabadi's "Drive Through Mass Vaccination Sim for COVID-19" Agent-Based and Discrete-Event Simulation model
Julie Swann and Pinar Keskinocak presented "How to Model 'Diseases' and Use those Models to Drive Timely Decisions and Actions that Produce Rapid Benefits." Prof. Keskinocak presented an Agent-Based model
Apply your systems understanding & problem-solving skills in full-scale complexity, where it matters. Come help today, join with Yaneer Bar-Yam to end the pandemic at http://EndCoronavirus.org. Humanity will be glad you did. - Tomás Gutiérrez
Join The Modeling and Simulation Coronavirus Pandemic Task Force
Join the COVID-19 Resources (Systems Community) Facebook group
For more COVID-19 modeling resources, see
The "Jamming the Curve” [competition enlisted] over 400 independent video game developers around the world to develop concepts for games that reflect the real-world dynamics of COVID-19 -https://www.nationalacademies.org/news/ ... t-covid-19
COVID-19 Event Risk Assessment Planning Tool
Aroon Chande, Seolha Lee, Mallory Harris, Quan Nguyen, Stephen J. Beckett, Troy Hilley, Clio Andris & Joshua S. Weitz's "Real-time, interactive website for US-county-level COVID-19 event risk assessment" Nature article
The University of Texas COVD-19 Modeling Consortium's Expected number of COVID-19 cases arriving at school tool
CDC spreadsheet-based tools for:
state and local policy makers to compare different contact tracing strategies
hospital admins and public health officials to estimate demand
The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine's resources page
Framework for Equitable Allocation of COVID-19 Vaccine report in early Oct
Videos to Confronting Urgent Threats to Human Health & Society: COVID-19 and Climate Change (NAM Annual Meeting)
"Putting Games to Work in the Battle Against COVID-19" is an article on the Jamming the Curve COVID video game competition.
The Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics' (SIAM)
Mathematical Resources to Help Understand COVID-19 page
Report on Future Research Directions for NSF in the Era of COVID-19
Erin C.S. Acquesta, Walt Beyeler, Pat Finley, Katherine Klise, Monear Makvandi, and Emma Stanislawski's "Modeling Resource Demands and Constraints for COVID-19 Intervention Strategies"
INFORMS' Information on COVID-19 and Pandemics page
"INFORMS Journal on Computing has several papers of timely importance given our pandemic / vaccine situation. See INFORMS Journal on Computing: Vol 32, No 4 for the whole issue." - Alice Smith
The Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE)'s Coronavirus Resource & Response page

Job or Research Opportunities

Purdue University's Purdue Systems Collaboratory and College of Engineering
Full-time, Academic Year (9 month)
Job Begins: Jan 2021
The Centre for Systems Studies at the University of Hull in the UK has a PhD scholarship to work on "Systems Thinking for Land Use Policy Making"
Deadline: Tue, Jan 5th, 2021
Full-Time PostDoc in Disease Systems Modeling
US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Deadline: Fri, Jan 22nd
Research Associate
Case Western University's Center for Community Health Integration
Assistant, Associate and Full Professor
Case Western University's Center for Community Health Integration
Assistant Professor of Management, Business Analytics or Information Systems
Alfred University
Management Consultants specializing in system dynamics and advanced analytics
Sage Analysis Group
1-page overview
See the SD Society's Career Link page which has more job postings

System Dynamics/Dynamical Systems/Systems Thinking Events

MIT System Dynamics Monday Morning Seminars
One World Dynamics Monthly Seminars
WPI System Dynamics Collective Learning Meeting
Screening of Forrester Seminar Series: World Dynamics with special guests
Fri, Dec 18th 12PM - 1PM (Boston time)
Details TBA
System Dynamics Society's "Modeling Covid-19: A Panel Discussion"
Tue, Dec 22nd 11AM - 12:30PM (Boston time)
Climate Interactive's "How to Facilitate a World Climate Simulation"
Thu, Jan 7th 12PM (Boston time)
SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems (DS21)
May 23rd - 27th
The 39th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society
Jul 25th - 29th
Various Systems Thinking Events

Call for Papers/Abstracts/Grants

Policies for Action: Public Policy Research to Advance Racial Equity and Racial Justice Grant
Letters of Intent Deadline: Tue, Nov 24th 3PM EST (Boston time)
Simulation Modeling and Systems Science to Address Health Disparities Grant
Expiration date: May 8th, 2023
Socio-Economic Planning Sciences Special Issue on Food Loss and Waste Management During COVID-19: Exploring the Major Challenges and Future Directions along the Food Supply Chain
Deadline: Thu, Dec 31st
SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems (DS21)
Deadline for Minisymposium Proposal: Mon, Jan 11th
Deadline for Contributed Lecture, Poster and Minisymposium Presentation Abstracts: Mon, Jan 25th
10th OR Society Simulation Workshop 2021 (SW21)
Deadline for posters: Tue, Jan 12th
11th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
Deadline: Fri, Jan 15th
2021 Annual Modeling and Simulation Conference
Deadline for Tutorial Proposal: Fri, Jan 22nd
Deadline for Paper Submission: Mon, Mar 1st
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Special Issue on Sustainability and Resilience in Health: The Role of Performance Management
Deadline: Sun, Jan 31st
SIAM conference on Control and Its Applications (CT21)
Deadline for Minisymposium Proposal: Wed, Jan 13th
Deadline for Contributed Lecture, Poster and Minisymposium Presentation Abstracts: Wed, Feb 3rd
Fourth Northeast Regional Conference on Complex Systems (NERCCS 2021)
Deadline: Mon, Feb 1st
Systems Special Issue on System Dynamics and Quantitative Methods for the Analysis of Societal Threats
Deadline: Sun, Feb 14th
31st European Conference on Operational Research
Deadline: Sun, Feb 28th

Other Events

AnyLogic Events
The University of Hong Kong's Systems Analytics Global Leaders' Seminars
RASC: Randomized Algorithms for Scientific Computing (an extended virtual workshop in two parts)
Part 1: Dec 2-3 from 11AM - 3PM (Boston time)
Part 2: Jan 6-7, from 11AM - 3PM (Boston time)
US Department of Energy (DOE) Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR) Applied Mathematics program sponsored
Winter Simulation Conference 2020
Dec 14th - 18th
2021 American Mathematical Society (AMS) Short Course on "Mathematical and Computational Methods for Complex Social Systems"
Jan 3rd - 5th
IISE webinar on "Healthcare Adoption of AI Machine Learning Paradigm"
Tue, Jan 12th 1PM (Boston time)
IISE Data Analytics and Information Systems division webinar on "An Introduction to the Fairness in Machine Learning, Fundamental Concepts, and Real-World Examples"
Tue, Jan 19th 11AM (Boston time)
11th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
Mar 7th - 11th
Brown University's Institute for Computational & Experimental Research in Mathematics (ICERM) workshop on "Mathematical and Computational Approaches to Social Justice"
Mar 8th - 10th
10th OR Society Simulation Workshop 2021 (SW21)
Mar 22nd - 24th
Fourth Northeast Regional Conference on Complex Systems (NERCCS 2021)
Mar 31st - Apr 2nd
31st European Conference on Operational Research
Jul 11th - 14th
SIAM conference on Control and Its Applications (CT21)
Jul 19th - 21st

Provide suggestions for the digest or any type of feedback on WPI SD services by emailing Christine Tang, ctang@wpi.edu, replying to this email or writing anonymously through:

Feedback Form

We prefer sharing free articles/videos/etc. so we do not exclude folks who are interested in SD/ST but do not have access to articles.

Well wishes,
Christine Tang
WPI System Dynamics Social Media Manager


Adding additional exogenous inputs could improve the fit to the data. But models should not be tuned to fit data by introducing exogenous variables whose sole function is to improve the correspondence of model output to data. Exogenous variables must be justified by significant real world evidence independent of their potential contribution to historical fit.

Sterman, J. (2000). Business Dynamics (p. 259). Irwin/McGraw-Hill.
Advice to posters seeking help (it really helps us to help you)
http://www.ventanasystems.co.uk/forum/v ... f=2&t=4391

Units are important!
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