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The problem of the form of axis Y in graph

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2021 10:23 am
by wyy
Dear friends in Vensim forum,I am sorry to disturb you again,my English is poor ,so I will try my best to explain my problem in my process of studying Vensim Ple,how can I change the form about axis Y in graph 1 to the form about axis Y in graph 2,in other words,how to change the form of “....B” about axis Y(for instance in graph 1)to the form of pure number (such as graph 2).

Re: The problem of the form of axis Y in graph

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2021 4:19 pm
by Administrator
No, you cannot configure the graphs in PLE. All you can do is display a table of the data, copy and paste that into Excel and re-create the graph in the format you need there.

Re: The problem of the form of axis Y in graph

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2021 4:43 pm
by tomfid
You could create a separate reporting variable that scaled the units of the output.

For example:

Production = ... ~ widgets/year
ReportedProduction = Production/units per M units ~ million widgets/year
units per M units = 1e6 ~ widgets/million units