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Which function key is more feasible here

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2022 12:22 am
by ankush.a
If I am running a hospital and I identify 4 age groups such as 10-20,20-35,35-60 and 60+.

Each age group has a different rate of admission and non-admission within the hospital and more admission rates are more possible with higher age demands since they produce more health issues then. I want to build a model to help allow to deal with this issue so that not only are the admissions being done on time but also as per age group with the due certain requirements to help deal with any issues coming in from prioritizing. Is there any FUNCTION key that can be used to help solve both ends of this problem?

Re: Which function key is more feasible here

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2022 3:13 am
by tomfid
This sounds like a case for arrays, which are not a PLE feature.

I would build a structure for one age group, get that working, then use copy-paste to create copies for each age group.

If the issue is limited capacity, with admissions prioritized by age group, that's an obvious application for the ALLOC functions - but again, not a PLE feature.