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Smoothing function starting point relative to the value of another smoothing function

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2022 10:57 pm
by aalto-comnet

The model below has a variable with two step inputs a and b, with b starting later than a, and another variable with their smoothing equivalents.

Based on the fraction b/a of the step inputs when b starts, I am trying to make the starting point of smoothing b to be relative to the value of smoothing a at this point in time.

For example, in the attached figures, since step b is equal to step a, smoothing b should not start from point 0, but it should start from the same value of smoothing a at this point in time, as shown by the arrow.

Similarly, if step b would be half the value of step a, smoothing b should start from smoothing a/2 at this point in time.

Any ideas?

Thank you! :D

Re: Smoothing function starting point relative to the value of another smoothing function

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2022 3:28 pm
by tomfid
If you use the SMOOTHI variant, you can specify an expression for the initial value.

That said, I'm not sure what you're trying to do here. Do you want the smoothed B to be constant at about -.06 until time 6? Or are you trying to smooth the difference between b and a, or b and smooth(a)?