Ventity 4.9b Available

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Ventity 4.9b Available

Post by tomfid »

Ventity 4.9beta is available for download. This is basically a stable release; the "beta" status really reflects a few fringe items you won't encounter, and incomplete release notes. This has the usual 60-day evaluation license. If you need a reset, so you can repeat a trial, let us know. See
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Re: Ventity 4.9b Available

Post by bahri »

Thanks Tom this update.

I tried to download Ventity after getting a download link
in my email, but I failed multiple times to download Ventity.

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Re: Ventity 4.9b Available

Post by bahri »

Hi Tom,

please ignore my last post.
a download problem is solved.
I can download Ventity.
Jack Harich
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Re: Ventity 4.9b Available

Post by Jack Harich »

Hi Tom,
I'm trying to move from Vensim to Ventity to accomodate modeling a problem that demands an ABM approach. I'm completely new to Ventity but very familiar with Vensim, which is fantastic.

But with Ventity 4.9 beta, it's slow going working through the documentation examples. They differ from what I see in the tool. This makes me wonder if the documentation is out of date. Sure enough, doc Release Notes lists Build 4.7 released 3/15/2022 as the last release. This implies the doc that ships with 4.9 beta is not for that version. It's for 4.7.

Is this true? Should I install 4.7 so I can learn the tool without constant discrepancies between the doc and the tool?

On the positive, side I'm greatly impressed by the design vision of the tool. Once I learn it, I expect it will be a dream come true.

Also, may I suggest it would be helpful to put links to papers using Ventity on the website. These can serve as learning sources and to increase the credibility of Ventity in those evaluating it. I'm facing this challenge as I anticipate a coming project where I will need to recommend which ABM software to use.

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