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Jay W. Forrester Award: Call for Nominations

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 1999 10:39 pm
by John Sterman
******* CALL FOR NOMINATIONS *******

The System Dynamics Society solicits nominations for the 1999 Jay Wright
=46orrester Award.

The Jay Wright Forrester Award is presented as often as once annually for
the best contribution to the field of system dynamics published in the
preceding five years. The recipient receives a commemorative plaque and
$2000. Papers, articles, books, research or consulting reports, theses or
other written material that have been published or are in publishable form
in the English language in the original or after translation are eligible
for consideration.

The award, when given, is presented at the annual conference of the System
Dynamics Society, in 1999 to be held in New Zealand. The winner is invited
to give a plenary presentation of their work, which is then published in
the System Dynamics Review.

I strongly encourage all those involved in system dynamics and dynamic
modeling to submit a nomination. All are welcome to nominate. You do not
need to be a member of the System Dynamics Society to submit a nomination.

Nominations should include the citation of the nominated work including the
title, journal or other publication information, and the year of
publication. A short description of the nominated work and its importance
is welcome.

Nominations should be sent to:

Prof. John Sterman
Chair, Award Committee
MIT Sloan School of Management
Room E53-351
30 Wadsworth Street
Cambridge MA 02142 USA
=46ax: 617/258-7579

John Sterman
J. Spencer Standish Professor of Management
Director, MIT System Dynamics Group
MIT Sloan School of Management
30 Wadsworth Street
Cambridge, MA 02142
617/253-1951 (voice); 617/258-7579 (fax),