SIMULTANEOUS Error in 6.0b

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SIMULTANEOUS Error in 6.0b

Post by tomauro »

Hi guys,

I'm getting an error with the latest download of Vensim when I use the SIMULTANEOUS function. After I select SIMULTANEOUS on an Auxiliary variable, it asks me if I want to add SIMUL TANEOUS to the model (the space is intentional, because that's what it asks). I have a feeling this is becauase the SIMULTANEOUS keyword is separated with a return in the space to the left of the formula window and it thinks its a new variable when entering the equation. The only way around this is to say "Yes" and then go back to the equation editor and take out the space (since it puts the SIMUL TANEOUS in the formula window).

Anyone else getting this error?

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Joined: Wed May 24, 2006 4:54 am

Re: SIMULTANEOUS Error in 6.0b

Post by tomfid »

You're right ... it looks like we broke it in the equation editor upgrade. There are two workarounds:

- switch to the text editor view and manually delete the space in SIMUL TANEOUS,


- don't use the type dropdown in the equation editor; instead just type SIMULTANEOUS( ... ) in the equation field.

Should be an easy fix.

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