Memory allocation error with larger lookup tables

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Posts: 29
Joined: Mon Oct 26, 2015 5:23 pm
Vensim version: DSS

Memory allocation error with larger lookup tables

Post by pbreach »

I am trying to upload some time-dependent exogenous data into a model that consists of ~13k values. I started by creating an Auxilliary variable with sub-type of Lookup. When I press "As Graph" and import the values copied from a spreadsheet it appears they are uploaded successfully. However, when I press OK in the variable editor I get an error, "Memory allocation error - subblock" which causes Vensim to crash. The data alone should only be at max a couple of megabytes - why is this causing Vensim to crash? I would use some alternate methods of uploading the data, However I want my model to be compatible with Vensim PLE.

How can I resolve this or is there another way to upload this data that could be compatible with Vensim PLE?

Thank you,

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Re: Memory allocation error with larger lookup tables

Post by tomfid »

Lookups weren't designed for data of that scale. I think you'd need to move up to PLE+, which would let you use data and GET XLS.
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