Here is a screenshot of the error message that is produced:
I worry about "The specified configuration type is missing. The tools for the configuration might not be installed." What could that mean?
Also, it gives a hint that the command CL is either mistyped or unable to be found.
Contents of File 'MDLDP64.bat'
Code: Select all
@Echo Compiling Vensim model ...
call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC\bin\x86_amd64\vcvarsx86_amd64.bat"
if exist mdl.obj del mdl.obj
if exist %3.dll del %3.dll
if .%2 == . goto noinclude
REM Create Debug DLL
REM echo Creating debug DLL
REM CL /GS /DEBUG /c /I "%2" /Zi /arch:SSE2 /Gd /Oy- /Od /D_DEBUG /MTd /DDBLPREC /DWIN32 /D_WIN32 mdl.c
REM Create optimized DLL
echo Creating optimized DLL
CL /O2 /c /I "%2" /DDBLPREC /DWIN32 /DWIN64 /Dx64 /D_x64 /D_WIN32 /D_WIN64 mdl.c
goto aftercomp
REM Create Debug DLL
CL /DEBUG /c /Zi /Od /D_DEBUG /MTd /DDBLPREC /DWIN32 /D_WIN32 mdl.c
REM Create optimized DLL
CL /O2 /c /DDBLPREC /DWIN32 mdl.c
if errorlevel 1 goto :error1
if not exist mdl.obj goto :error2
REM Add /DEBUG as an option to generatea a debug DLL.
LINK /DLL /OUT:%3.dll /def:%1sim.def mdl.obj /MACHINE:X64
if errorlevel 1 goto :error3
if not exist %3.dll goto :error3
REM clean up .lib and .exp files - they are not needed
del %3.lib
del %3.exp
goto :exit
echo Unable to compile - failed to set paths. Check the paths in mdldp.bat in vensim\comp
goto exit2
echo Unable to compile - missing mdl.obj. You probably need to set paths in mdldp.bat in vensim\comp
goto exit2
echo Errors while linking %3.dll - make sure compiled simulations were properly installed
goto :exit2
goto :exit3
echo ----------
echo Compilation of %3 seems to have been successful.
echo Close this window and continue.
> Tools > Options > Advanced > Compiled simulation path > PATH/TO/MDLDP64.bat
> Tools > Options > Advanced > set the three ticks for "Compile"
Do you have any idea what could be wrong in this configuration? I appreciate any help or info on how to resolve it.