comments about the new GUI

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comments about the new GUI

Post by LAUJJL »


When one changes the name of a view it does not change automatically the name of the view in a button that tells you which view to go to. One must change it manually.
Just a remark, it may not be possible to do anything about it.


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Re: comments about the new GUI

Post by Administrator »

This is something we are working on.
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Re: comments about the new GUI

Post by LAUJJL »


There are 8 input ouput objects added with the new GUI. Where are these new objects explained in the help system, or where can one see something related to these input output objects explained?

For instance it is possible with the button, to generate a Venapp command. But if I want to generate a list of Venapp commands, like in the Venapps, must I use a button for each Venapp command, or is it possible to use only one button, generating the list of commands?


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Re: comments about the new GUI

Post by Administrator »

As I've mentioned before, these new controls should be considered beta. We haven't got round to doing the help yet, but it's on the list of things to do.
For instance it is possible with the button, to generate a Venapp command. But if I want to generate a list of Venapp commands, like in the Venapps, must I use a button for each Venapp command, or is it possible to use only one button, generating the list of commands?
You can concatenate commands using the & character.
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Re: comments about the new GUI

Post by LAUJJL »


Thank you for your answer.

But how do you expect the beta testers to test anything if they do not know how to use the new features that have to be tested?


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Re: comments about the new GUI

Post by Administrator »

All I can say is we are working on it.
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Re: comments about the new GUI

Post by LAUJJL »


I have started to work with the new GUI and its new input output objects.
But it may be possible for those who are used to the old Venapps, but for me it is just impossible.
There is not the slightest explanation about how to use this new way of presentation: no examples and no explanation about the new I/O objects.
I am obliged to work with the old Venapps, that is maybe difficult to work with, will no more be improved, but it has the merit to exist and to be fully documented, with examples.
I maybe once go to the new GUI, when it will be fully documented. By the way nothing proves that the new presentation GUI will be so much better than the old Venapps.

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Re: comments about the new GUI

Post by LAUJJL »


I have started to work with the Venapps, that is not very practical. I have decided to work again with the new GUI. I will eventually need some explanations about the new input output objects. I hope too that it will not take to long until the Vensim reader works with the new GUI even if it is only a beta version.

Best regards.

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