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anyone using microworlds in undergraduate business teaching

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2001 7:11 pm
by "Carmine Bianchi"
Hi Kim,

I regularly use SD-based microworlds in my undergraduate University course, in the subject
"Planning & Control Systems". Beyond basic SD issues, my course particularly covers those issues
related to strategic/financial modelling, with a view to support students in understanding how to match the SD with the accounting views. Also issues concerning to SD & small business growth management are covered.

The course covers about 50 hours, during which several microworlds taken from the book I published
in Italian are run and commented on.

I hope this might be useful to your survey.

All the very best,

From: "Carmine Bianchi" <>
Carmine Bianchi, Associate Professor of Business Management
Universities of Foggia and Palermo (ITALY) - Faculty of Economics
Scientific co-ordinator of CUSA-System Dynamics Group

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anyone using microworlds in undergraduate business teaching

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2001 10:06 am
by "Kim Warren"
Is anyone actively using microworlds, or other SD-based learning materials
in undergraduate (or even high-school) settings. Our experience is mostly
with the post-graduate and post experience (MBA) world, but we would dearly
like to hear from anyone working with this younger group.

Kim Warren
From: "Kim Warren" <>

anyone using microworlds in undergraduate business teaching

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2001 1:46 pm
by Niall Palfreyman
Hi Kim,

Im not sure what you mean by "learning materials". Im in the process
of introducing Stella to undergraduates for a number of purposes: it
helps in visualising situations in maths and physics, and it also forms
the basis of a first course in model-building and simulation. The
undergraduates in question are bioinformatics students.

Niall Palfreyman.
From: Niall Palfreyman <>

anyone using microworlds in undergraduate business teaching

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2001 8:47 pm
by "Bob Cavana"
hi Kim

at Victoria University of Wellington we ran a system dynamics
course for 3rd year undergraduates on our Bachelor of Commerce
& Administration prrogramme last year. this year we have
incorporated system dynamics into our 2nd year course on
introduction to Managerial Decision Analysis

we are using the book Systems Thinking & Modelling:
Understanding Change & Complexity by KE Maani & RY Cavana,
Prentice Hall, Auckland!!

please let me know how we can help you.

regards, Bob
From: "Bob Cavana" <>