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Getting up on the Web

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 1995 6:11 am
by Bob L Eberlein
Dear Subscribers,

The system dynamics mailing list now has nearly 500 subscribers. Traffic
has been relatively light, and this is partly because I have been fairly
narrow minded in my moderation on the list traffic. Nonetheless there
are a lot of people who are very interested in what is going on in system
dynamics so I want to encourage the experienced practitioners to talk a
little more. It would be really great to hear brief descriptions on
current projects and activities, obviously appropriately desguised to
protect client interest. It would even be fun to hear about academic
work (really).

I am in the process of setting up a web archive for the mailing list. I
have not quite got there yet, but I have set up some of the preliminary
framework. If you get a chance check it out at

We will also be putting up the system dynamics bibliography to make it
accessable via the internet. This has been a bit delayed, but should
happen by the end of the month.

Bob Eberlein

Getting up on the Web

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 1995 6:11 am
by Bob L Eberlein
Dear Subscribers,

The system dynamics mailing list now has nearly 500 subscribers. Traffic
has been relatively light, and this is partly because I have been fairly
narrow minded in my moderation on the list traffic. Nonetheless there
are a lot of people who are very interested in what is going on in system
dynamics so I want to encourage the experienced practitioners to talk a
little more. It would be really great to hear brief descriptions on
current projects and activities, obviously appropriately desguised to
protect client interest. It would even be fun to hear about academic
work (really).

I am in the process of setting up a web archive for the mailing list. I
have not quite got there yet, but I have set up some of the preliminary
framework. If you get a chance check it out at

We will also be putting up the system dynamics bibliography to make it
accessable via the internet. This has been a bit delayed, but should
happen by the end of the month.

Bob Eberlein

Getting up on the Web

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 1995 11:58 am
by carolus
Dear Subscribers,

With reference to Bob Eberleins call for participation I would like to ask

Im working on my thesis concerning the use of SD in the domain of Law (and
IT), and particularly the modelling of legal procedures.
As far as I know, little has been done in this area.
Does anyone know of similar research or any interesting references (not to
mention sites) ?



Carolus Grutters
Recht en Informatica
Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid
KU Nijmegen, NL

postbus 9049
6500 KK Nijmegen
tel +31 (0)24-3615701
fax +31 (0)24-3616145

Getting up on the Web

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 1995 8:09 am
In response to Bobs note I was quite suprised to find this list had 500
members. Considering the extent of the traffic I was figuring its membership
to be more along the lines of 10 or 12. Hope everyone is so busy out doing
good work that they dont have time talk to each other! And then wouldnt
that also be a shame, as we should be able to learn so much from each other.

Many thanks to all of you who barraged me with e-mail after visiting my web
site. Many fixes thanks to you and many more changes in the works.

As far as sharing, anything I am involved in that might be remotely of
interest and value to others gets weaved into my web pages somewhere. I guess
maybe it might be a good idea to let you know when I put in some new things,
which happens almost daily, so Ill try to summarize from time to time.

As for current involvements, Im working on several business process
reengineering projects using modeling and simulation to develop understanding
-- notice I did not say provide answers!!!! This is an ongoing battle in
almost every environment I work. The questions is always, "Whats the
answer?" The other ongoing battle is trying to get people to understand how
powerful all the "soft" stuff is! The soft stuff is acually harder than the
apparently hard stuff!

A couple days ago I dumped a "Modeling and Simulation" introduction article
on my articles page if anyone cares to take a gander and provide feedback.

Also, on Mon. you can look for a new article called "It Depends!" This is my
most often provided answer to so many questions. Provided so often that in
many of the environments I work it has become a standard humor line. People
have started asking questions, stoping for a moment, and then they say, "It
depends doesnt it?" It seems they are beginning to think more. Amazing the
manner in which we find progress, isnt it?

be well all,
and thanks Bob for provocating (a favorite word of Edward de Bono) this,

Gene Bellinger....