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Specific case question

Posted: Wed May 01, 2019 9:11 am
by Radboud
I'm unable to fix the beneath case
in addition to extend my stock-flow model, can somebody help me out?

The adaption rate of potential car owners is further investigated. For that,
replace the fixed rate of 30 million car buyers per year by the following ‘word of mouth’
phenomenon. Each car owner has an average of 100 contacts per year. On average 1.2 per 1000 of
these contacts lead to someone buying a car. The adoption rate can now be calculated by multiplying
the number of car owners with their contact rate and with the adoption fraction, and then be
multiplied by the fraction of the total population that consists of potential car owners.''

Re: Specific case question

Posted: Wed May 01, 2019 9:16 am
by Administrator
This looks like a homework question, is that correct?

Re: Specific case question

Posted: Wed May 01, 2019 9:27 am
by Radboud
It's a case indeed. Is this the right place to ask questions or is there another place to ask specific case-related questions?

Re: Specific case question

Posted: Wed May 01, 2019 9:56 am
by Administrator
This is the right place to ask for help, we will not do your homework for you though.

Best option is to try yourself and if you have any specific questions, then feel free to ask.

Re: Specific case question

Posted: Wed May 01, 2019 10:05 am
by Radboud
Thanks for your response, i think i did a good job so far. But now am stuck on the unit contacts..
Contacts has as input Car owners and contact rates .. any suggestion?

Re: Specific case question

Posted: Thu May 02, 2019 3:21 pm
by tomfid
In the Bass diffusion model, typically there's a contact rate parameter which is in units of people contacted per person doing the contacting per unit time. The people cancel out, leaving 1/time, though it's often clearer to preserve them as people/person/time.