Vensim DSS compilation error

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Vensim DSS compilation error

Post by subhashiitd »

Hello Friends,
I am using vensim DSS 5.7a for simulation. when i try to compile the model file i find the following error- LINK:fatal error LNK1104: file 'kerne132.lib' can not be opened.
Error while linking sim.dll -make sure compiled simulations were properly installed.'

If any one has similar experience and have found solution please help me in finding the solution.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Best Regards
Subhash Mallah
Posts: 3816
Joined: Wed May 24, 2006 4:54 am

Re: Vensim DSS compilation error

Post by tomfid »

This may be a matter of 32 vs 64 bit system file locations. You probably need to check the paths for the calls to the compiler & includes in your mdl.bat.

An upgrade to the current version of Vensim would almost surely solve your problem. 5.7 is six years old and predates Win7.
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Re: Vensim DSS compilation error

Post by subhashiitd »

i installed the latest version vensim 6.0a but it was not able to even open the file. one of the colleague work before with 5.7a and he suggested me to use this version. can you please give details how can i check the path for the calls to the compiler. i am using the 32bit system.i have the following mdl.bat file:
REM Fast compiling, slow execution (compilation is instant)
rem CL /c /Ot /I "%2" /DWIN32 mdl.c

REM Slow compiling, fast execution (compiling takes > 15 minutes)
CL /c /O2 /G7 /Ot /I "%2" /DWIN32 mdl.c

REM ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Rem Compile Vensim Simulation Control Extensions
CL /c /O2 /Fo%1simext.obj %1simext.c

goto aftercomp
CL /O2 /c /DWIN32 mdl.c
if errorlevel 1 goto :error1
if not exist mdl.obj goto :error2

LINK /DLL /OUT:sim.dll/NODEFAULTLIB:kernel32.lib/def:%1sim.def mdl.obj %1simext.obj %1vensim.lib

if errorlevel 1 goto :error3
if not exist sim.dll goto :error3
REM The following line will create a simdll32.dll file for use with
REM the full Vensim DLL
REM LINK /DLL /OUT:simdll32.dll /def:%1sim.def mdl.obj %1simext.obj %1..\dll\vendll32.lib
REM if errorlevel 1 goto :error4
REM if not exist simdll32.dll goto :error4
REM The following line will create a simdlx32.dll file for use with
REM the redistributable Vensim DLL
REM LINK /DLL /OUT:simdlx32.dll /def:%1sim.def mdl.obj %1simext.obj %1..\dll\vendlx32.lib
REM if errorlevel 1 goto :error5
REM if not exist simdlx32.dll goto :error4
del sim.lib
del sim.exp
goto :exit
echo There were errors while compiling - check the paths in mdl.bat in vensim\comp
goto exit2
echo Unable to compile. You probably need to set paths in mdl.bat in vensim\comp
goto exit2
echo Errors while linking sim.dll - make sure compiled simulations were properly installed
goto :exit2
echo Errors linking for use with the full dll - check that ..\dll is the right directory
goto :exit2
echo Errors linkinf for use with the redistribution DLL - check that ..\dll is the right directory
goto :exit2
goto :exit3
echo ----------
echo Compilation of sim.dll seems to have been successful.
echo Close this window and continue.

rem del sim.dll
rem pause

please help me to find the solution.

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Joined: Wed May 24, 2006 4:54 am

Re: Vensim DSS compilation error

Post by tomfid »

What file could not be opened? The Vensim file format has not changed, and version 6 is fully backward compatible with 5.x. If the model is the issue, you could try using .mdl format, though there shouldn't be any problem with .vmf.

The problem with the 5.7 mdl.bat is likely from the link step,

Code: Select all

LINK /DLL /OUT:sim.dll/NODEFAULTLIB:kernel32.lib/def:%1sim.def mdl.obj %1simext.obj %1vensim.lib 
Windows paths have changed, so you need to figure out where kernel32.lib actually is and either add it to your system path, set paths in mdl.bat, or use an absolute path in the LINK statement. One way to set paths is to call the MS script vcvars.bat - for MSVC2010 in Vensim 6, that's done with

Code: Select all

REM The following should work for VS 2010 and 32 bit Windows
REM call "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\bin\vcvars32.bat"
REM The following should work for VS 2010 and 64 bit Windows
call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\bin\vcvars32.bat" 
Even then, you may have other issues, particularly if you're using a compiler newer than MSVC6. Therefore getting this working in Vensim 6 seems like a better option.
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Re: Vensim DSS compilation error

Post by Administrator »

Try following the instructions in the attached document. They've worked for quite a few people so hopefully will get things working for you.
To compile models.doc
(63.5 KiB) Downloaded 270 times
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Vensim DSS error

Post by subhashiitd »

Dear Friends,
I am using Vensim DSS 6.1c on 64 bit computer and find the errors even start the Vensim "External Function version mismatch need version 51050(got 400)". when i click OK then vensim screen appear. But when i try to compile the program it gives error. Before, i was working with Vensim DSS 5.7a on 32 bit computer and the same program compiled and working good. Please help me to locate the problem and resolve the error issue.
Thanks in advance for your prompt reply.
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Re: Vensim DSS compilation error

Post by Administrator »

You will need to recompile the external function library so it is compatible with Vensim 6. Do you have the source code and the means to rebuild it?
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Re: Vensim DSS compilation error

Post by subhashiitd »

Hello Admin,
I have the source code but i don't know how can i rebuilt to compile it. what do you mean by recompile? how can i proceed ? please help me step wise procedure.

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Re: Vensim DSS compilation error

Post by Administrator »

I cannot really give you a step by step procedure. Building DLLs is not simple. If you have no experience of this, you will need to get help from someone.

What does the external function library do, and where did you get it?
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Re: Vensim DSS compilation error

Post by tomfid »

A humble suggestion: 5.7 is very old. There have been three operating system versions, six major Vensim versions, and several Visual Studio versions since then. If you need speed, and you're going to invest the effort to update the external functions, a maintenance update might be a good idea first.
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