List membership and return addresses

This forum contains all archives from the SD Mailing list (go to for more information). This is here as a read-only resource, please post any SD related questions to the SD Discussion forum.
Bob L Eberlein
Posts: 35
Joined: Fri Mar 29, 2002 3:39 am

List membership and return addresses

Post by Bob L Eberlein »

The system-dynamics list has been growing slowly in size.
There are now 219 members. Of these, 54 are clearly in
education, while 78 have commercial e-mail addresses and
11 have government addresses. There appear to be about
50 international members. You can get a list of everyones
e-mail address by sending the message

who system-dynamics


Many of the most prominent people in the field of system
dynamics are on the list. With the exceptions of Jay
Forrester, Jim Hines and Khalid Saeed, however, you have
been very quiet. I would urge people who have been working
in the field for several years to send messages to the list.
There has been a great deal of work done in system dynamics
that we take for granted but that is likely new to others
on the list.

Please sign with your e-mail address.

One other point I would like to make is that the way
the messages from the list are addressed, if you simply
say Reply - you will be replying to the whole list. If
you want to reply to an individual, you will need to
explicitly address that individual. Because many email
readers remove the header coming with a message, that
address can be lost. To make things clearer could
everyone sign their messages with both their name and
their email address.

Thank You

Bob Eberlein