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Post by Guest »

I am attempting to create a front-end to run Vensim simulations in Visual Basic. I am, however, having a problem with the encryption. I am under the impression that I can through one of the dll functions can be used to open an encrypted model. However, I am unsure as to how this is done and where I find the key to use for the encryption. I have read the manual that explains this function; however, I don't feel that I am any closer to being able to actually code this feature. Where should I look to find instructions to make use of this encryption function through the dll with VB?
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Post by Administrator »


Encryption is only possible when a redistribution kit has been purchased. The kit allows models to be encrypted before distribution to protect the code within them.

There is no way of protecting the model if only using runtime versions of the DLL.

One more small bit of info, you need to purchase Vensim Application Runtime, or Vensim Runtime licences for each copy of the VB app that you distribute (unless of course you buy a redistribution kit).

Hope this helps.

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